‘The purpose of-this book is to impart a sound knowledge about swasthavritta for the undergraduate students and to come out with a text on Swasthavritta in English according to the prescribed syllabus by C.C.I.M. The terminologies of both Ayurvedic and modern medicine according to the syllabus are the limelight in the text. Apart from this, model questions & answers consisting long essays, short essays, short notes, practical material and multiple choice questions, along with few important topics like International classification of communicable disease, health institutions & organizations, WHO themes, important calendar events and latest demographic trends in India are also included. This guide has compilation and orderly arrangement of information .collected from Samhitas and Modern prescribed text of P & SM. This acts as a comprehensive guide for both UGs & PGs. The lucid style helps in convenient reading. I hope this comprehensive guide would be useful for the students appearing in the university examinations, competitive examinations & serves as a guide-cum-reference book for the post graduate students of Swasthavritta.’ Publisher.
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